Immortalize bouquet into an art poster

Immortalize bouquet into an unique art poster –
as a gift or to yourself.

By this giftcard you can transform a meaningful bouquet into an unique art poster.
I will draw the bouquet based on pictures or videos sent to me via e-mail – and this way the memory and moments will last forever.

This service is available to companies, for a wedding gift or a gift to yourself – you name it!
Please tell me the need and we´ll continue discussions via e-mail.

How it works?

Send a picture of the chosen bouquet into my e-mail [email protected] .

I will draw the bouquet and press it into a beautiful poster, that will be delivered.


A1-size paper 200€ (digital print)

A2-size paper 120€ (digital print)

+ postage 13€ or face-to-face delivery in Helsinki for free.


The giftcard can be given in digital form or as a physical giftcard. Please let me know which suits you best.
I can also send physical giftcards to a given address.

The creative process will take maximum 3 weeks.
When ready, the art poster can be delivered via post globally or other ways in Helsinki – let´s talk about this via e-mail.

Interested to collaborate?

If you are interested to become my retailer or buy this service for example as a company HR service – a way to remember in special days or at the termination of employment –
please contact [email protected] .

Flowers are usually a crucial part of our memories. How wonderful it is to make this bouquet last for ever – let the memories be part of our daily lives.